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Well Works Recharge Short Interval Course

Fri, Jun 09



Join us for a quick Well Works Short Interval Course to recharge and prepare for upcoming summer work.

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Well Works Recharge Short Interval Course
Well Works Recharge Short Interval Course

Time & Location

Jun 09, 2023, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM



About the event

This 2-week short interval course will include a handful of missions and 1 ZOOM cohort discussion to provide some reminders and refreshers about some of the program content to get you prepped and ready for our inherently busy summer construction projects.

This is intended to

  1. Recharge and remind you that "you got this" and that you are all extremely competent to tackle any challenges and projects you may have coming up.
  2. Refresh and Recalibrate some of the tools you got within the program so they are ready to be used for whatever you intend to or need to use them for as it relates to leadership this summer.

While it is free to legacy crew members, space is still limited, and registration is required. So if you are interested in gaining access to the missions and content and jumping on a call with fellow legacy members, please be sure to register now! 

Important note: If you are not yet signed up as a legacy member on the site you will need to create a log in. If you have gone through the 12-week program, you will be approved as a member and can then register for the event using your sign in credentials. 

If you need any help at all, feel free to call Amy at 970-500-3911.


  • 1 hour

    Registration Deadline

  • 1 hour

    Link and Access Code for Missions will be sent

2 more items available


  • Legacy Crew Member Seat

    If you have completed the 12-week Well Works Leadership Development Program, than you are considered a Legacy Crew member and this event is free.

    Sale ended



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